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A video was produced for the occasion.

Why ? How? Article By Jacqueline collective Benais on 16/09/12 – 9:15 p.m. In: Gr Arts and testimony Creations Arts> Visual Arts Teaching Principles> term-creation creations online review No. 189 “Image Series” announced in the New Educator n. 189 – Publication: September 2008 collective Article Add a comment Read more 1 attachment Assess learning in arts Education? Why ? How?

By Jacqueline editorial Benais on 16/09/12 – 11:02 p.m. In: Gr Arts and testimony creations Creations Online Journal No. 189 “SEQUENTIAL IMAGES” announced in the New Educator No. 189 – Publication.

September / October 2008 By Editorial more 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … next> last ”
Results 1 to 10 from 124 Results Charter of the Modern School (1968) By Catherine Chabrun on 16/08/12 – 1:43 p.m. In: reference text Education The Charter we are publishing has been developed and adopted unanimously Pau Congress. We will see that it draws heavily from Nancy Congress Charter developed in 1950. This article is for all those teachers or non-teaching, care about education.

It is a manifesto proclaiming the great ideas that bind us to the Freinet pedagogy and guide our daily actions. In the spirit of Freinet, this Charter educators must be supplemented by a Children’s Charter and it is in this spirit that he proposed to the Congress of Nantes in 1957, he submitted a project to the public authorities, teacher organizations, parent associations el including UNESCO.

On 20 November 1959 the United Nations General Assembly adopted a Declaration on the Rights of the Child * in which are included many of the principles outlined by Freinet. As against this lexia universal scope contains no specific reference to school life. That’s why we reproduce the project in Nantes. * The text is published in UNESCO Courier, November 1960.

Add a comment Read more ICEM departmental group 54 by Philippe Durand on 28/08/12 – 3:26 p.m. In: Greater East Region> GD 54 – Meurthe-et-Moselle group presentation the departmental group ICEM 54 is an association of teachers, parents and other interested individuals Freinet pedagogy and the life of the Movement Modern School on the Meurthe department Moselle.

Its activities are: Add Comment Read more collective mathematical Creation (Pierrick D and Thierry C.) By Claude Beaunis on 23/08/12 – 2:51 p.m. In: Journal of the course a pedagogical principles technical Math> natural method Techniques teaching> mathematical creation Rostr’o well, the training log Rostrenen …

2 comments Read more Edito creations # 117 festivals in School in: editorial creations PEMF for students for teachers review Arts> visual Arts teaching Principles> term-creation in March 2006 Creations # 117 – School holidays Published in May-June 2005 Editorial Author: Industry Arts and Creations more an artist at the height of child Benais by Jacqueline on 16/08/12 – 10:49 p.m. Add comment more free text cycle 3: synthesis By Martine Boncourt on 23/08/12 – 6:27 p.m. in: training Techniques course diary> free text Rostr’o well, the log e stage of Rostrenen …

Add new comment Read more Organization of free text areas (group of Marcel T) By Martine Boncourt on 28/08/12 – 8:27 p.m. In: Internship newspaper pedagogical techniques> free text Rostr’o well, the training log Rostrenen … Add new comment Read more Rostr’o good newspaper internship Rostrenen (August 2012) by Claude Beaunis on 22/08/12 – 2:57 p.m. in: newspaper internship internship part of this log is access “follower”.

To see all items, Log … internship, western France, big-west, great west Add Comment Birth of a popular pedagogy 1 – St. Paul In year 1929-1930: For teachers book, brochure Author Elise Freinet Read more Birth of a popular pedagogy 1 – Towards a new stage in: For teachers book, brochure Author: Elise Freinet Read more 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … next> last »
1 to 10 from 361 Results CLIMOPE In: For web pages teachers Movements> educational movement CLIMOPE May 2012, what is it?

That compose it? … More Collective RASED By Catherine Chabrun on 30/05/12 – 8:42 In: Topical Meeting Education RASED The Collective is composed of professional associations, educational movements and trade unions.

Add a comment Read more Brico-media 2009-2010: Digital Day By Katina Ieremiadis on 25/05/12 – 10:35 In: Arts testimony pedagogical principles> term-creation Add a comment Read more Brico-media 2009- 2010: Group 5: “Adapting a video game with joysticks” By Katina Ieremiadis on 25/05/12 – 10:21 In: Arts testimony pedagogical principles> term-creation Add a comment Read more Brico-media 2009-2010: diverting games – By Katina Ieremiadis conferences on 10/05/12 – 2:12 p.m. in: Arts testimony pedagogical principles> term-creation Add a comment Read more Brico-media 2010-2011 final adjustments By Katina Ieremiadis 31 / 05/12 – 24:49 In: Arts testimony pedagogical principles> term-creation Add a comment Read more Looking In color: PEMF creations For teachers review Arts Arts> visual Arts Tech nical teaching> Technical Plastic Arts in September 1997 creations No. 78 “The hand of the master” published in September-October 1997 Class K-CP Public School Sort Derv, St Yves Bubry (Morbihan) – Teacher: Jacqueline Benais Author Area Creations Arts and more “and bam!

The Martabaff, “an animated film (Book Festival in Aizenay- 2012) By Katina Ieremiadis on 21/05/12 – 9:19 In: Arts testimony pedagogical principles> term-creation creations online review No. 208” Image by frame “announced in the New Educator No.

208- Published: June 2012 Class CM1 / CM2 School Peniere Aizenay (85) – Teacher: Bertrand Mercier – in collaboration with the MS / GS students School Peniere – Teacher: Catherine Corlay Add comment Read more Brico-media 2010-2011: desecrate the computer (touch screens and wii) By https://homeworkmarket.me/
Katina Ieremiadis on 10/05/12 – 2:12 p.m. In: Arts testimony pedagogical principles> term -creation Add a comment Read more 2008-2009: virtual identity By Katina Ieremiadis on 10/05/12 – 2:10 p.m.

In: Arts testimony pedagogical principles> term-creation Add a comment Read more 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … next> of rnier ”
By Florence St. Luke 07/01/14 – 0:33 In. Region PACA> GD 83 – Var Gr International Congress rendered account> Language workshop> Modern Languages ??Teaching Principles> Communication> correspondence While I was responsible for the area International ICEM, I presented a workshop “Know cultural identity by correspondence”, at the 43rd International Congress of the ICEM International de Valbonne center.

It was a particularly rich year for my CE1-CE2, Sollies-Pont, in the Var, with three classes of correspondents: one in Sweden, second in Australia and third in Gradignan. This match was the opportunity to work on cultural identity, and also to learn English in an expression and communication context. A video was produced for the occasion.

It is online on daily motion. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x19b8y0_connaitre-son-identite-culturelle-par-la-correspondance_people The text was published in the conference proceedings in a book published in 1998. It is attached. It refers to a participatory intercultural show proposed to classes of Toulon area.

A video presents the very interesting work with the upstream part of the classes. It combines artistic expression (singing and visual arts), geography and cultural dimension. The video is online on Dailymotion.

A participatory intercultural show in Toulon http://www.dailymotion.com/video/k6T1sZmIBPT3Ng59xta A special issue of educational newsletter Var Institute of Modern School carries on the correspondence.

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